The passage of the front proved to be quite productive!
On 20th, with the wind blowing from W, the 1st Fea’s type Petrel of the season was found at 19:00 (local hour). A bit later the 2nd Northern Fulmar flew far. Skua numbers were the higuest up to now this year, with 44 Pomarines, 28 Arctic, 2 Long-tailed and 22 Bonxies. Another Grey Phalarope was found, and the Bar-tailed Godwit migration went on with several groups. Cory’s were also nice to count: 576 in 11,30 hours. Manx Shearwaters also started to build up good numbers. The total for Sandwich Tern was 176.
On 21th the wind blowed from NE, but with little force. In 8,30 h count we watched 46 Arctic Skuas, 21 Pomarines, 5 Long-tailed and 35 Bonxies. A Sabine´s Gull was seen in the afternoon. But the best was to find TWO! Fea’s type Petrels in the evening, as the Cory’s (1,824 were counted) were started to form huge rafts. Another Northern Fulmar flew very close to land. Great Shearwater numbers were instead low: only 6. Sooty Shearwaters: 55. Sandwich terns: 176.
The best of all is that there were a lot of birders at the headland to enjoy this great seabird passage: