Only a few birds on the move these days. Calms and NE winds returned, and it was rainy and foggy on 24th and 25th. Consecuently the sea was not as full of birds as on last weekend. The most interesting sightings were the first Wrynecks of the season at the headland on 23th, a nice passage of Little Tern in groups of up to 15 birds on 22th and 23th, and the arrival of several Wheateaters on 24th. 24 Arctic Skuas were counted in a total of 17 hours of count all through these days, with daily sightings, as well as 12 Pomarines and 14 Bonxies. Also a few Great and Sooty Shearwaters, and low numbers of all of the usual species here, as well as some groups of Oystercarcher and Bar-tailed Godwit.
The morning of 24th there was a "Pokemon-cloud" over the horizon. You never know what are you going to find here at Estaca de Bares...