Observers: Antonio Martínez Pernas, Antonio Sandoval Rey, Alfonso Valderas, Ricardo Hevia.
Nice passage of shearwaters in the afternoon and evening. The 7,15 hs count all trhough the day produced 54 Great and 982 Cory’s, most of them during the 4 last hours. Also 4 Poms, 9 Arctic and 7 Great Skuas, 20 Sandwhich and 15 "Commic" Terns, 23 Manxies, 20 Balearics, as well as Common Scoters, BlackHeaded Gull, Whimbrels, Gannets, and 1 Black Tern. A very close Fulmar, the first of the year, was seen at 10:45 AM, and there were some hundreds of Common Dolphins close to the horizon in the afternoon. NW wind.
Observers: Antonio Martínez Pernas, Antonio Sandoval Rey, Alfonso Valderas, Ricardo Hevia.
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