Bonxie: 97
Arctic Skua: 153
Pomarine: 63
Gannet 5,085
Common Scoter: 483
Manxie: 42
Balearic 240
Sootie: 913
Cory’s: 30
Sandwich Tern: 1,742
“Commic” Tern: 343
Little Tern: 2
Black Tern 2
Grey Phalarope: 2
Little Gull: 2
Mediterranean Gull: 2
And also a few Great Cormorants, Black-Tailed Godwits, Wigeons, Pintails… And a Great White Heron, a scarce bird in Galicia.
Observers: quite a lot of friends (we counted all the birds but forgot to count the people!!)